Outings in Stuttgart & the Area

Tips on where you can enjoy a nice time outside in Stuttgart & the greater area with your little ones.

Just a few tips from us in one of our Mama Talks - we have included some links to  hikes from an APP called Komoot :-)

Rotwildgehege Stuttgart close to the Bärenseen
Here you can go for walks and see dears and boars close to Stuttgart Botnang / Vaihingen / Heslach

Bärenschlösschen or Bärensee
You can take a tour to the Barenschlösschen from the parking are or go around the lakes.
The former is really good for kids on Balance bikes or scooters.
At the Bärenschlösschen you can buy yourself something to eat and drink and ice cream (quite the motivational factor for the kids to walk)

Heslacher Wasserfälle
Yes we have Waterfalls in Stuttgart, too!
This tour is not for prams or strollers but with a baby carrier or else possible.


Wilhelma Zoo
Very nice with children - you could consider even a year pass.
Read more about the Wilhelm Zoo experience here in separate blog posts

Katzenbacher See
A nice walk around the lake - followed by some nice time at the Katzenbacher Hof?


Katzenbacher Hof
A beer garden with a huge play area - a must for parents!
Link to their website.

Another tour to see a mountain basically made our to shards / bricks of houses destroyed during the second world war - in the middle of Stuttgart.
Stuttgart Tourist - Birkenkopf


A nice park in Stuttgart North to enjoy playgrounds, some animals, a little train, walks and more.
Read all about it here.

A little drive but still all within the hour

Eins & Alles - a forest full of discoveries
A great experience for your senses.
Read more about it here.

Alpakafarm Schaber
Enjoy the nature around the farm and have a walk with an Alpaka - there is also a little cafe for your enjoyment.


Herzogliche Kugelbahn 
Your kids will love the walk along marble run or ball treck.
Normally you can rent the balls but please check that due to Corona you might have to bring your own.


Bad Uracher Wasserfälle
Waterfalls in Bad Urach - a really nice day out.
Tourism page in English


An adventure & amusement park for the really little ones
Link to their website

And here you can read some more about places to go to for  weekend or longer in the distance of 2-4 hours drive.
Link to Kiramiga - Holidays


May 2021 - Gravidamiga
This blog post has been prepared with the greatest possible care and does not claim to be correct, complete or up-to-date.“
This is not a sponsored post and just our own research for all of you.

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Updated: March 2024

Posted in in Activities