Healthy Baby Sleep

Learn about the biology of sleep to decide what is good for your family.

YES - finally - we have a new workshop in our program!

Healthy baby sleep

Tired, exhausted, overwelmth or just confused about baby sleep?
Or familiar with these questions from people around you?

  • Are you still (breast) feeding at night?
  • Is he/she sleeping through the night yet?
  • Does he/she fall asleep on his own?
  • Why is he/she sleeping in bed with you?
  • Does everybody seem to have the ultimate solution for your baby?


We want to help you understand the biology of sleep so that you feel encouraged  to find your own way, which is good and right for YOUR family.

As usual you will receive a hand-out with the main take-aways.

Course dates in our Calendar.


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Updated: February 2022