or TCK's - Third Culture Kids


“There are two lasting things parents can give their children: roots and wings. Roots to remind them where they're from and wings to take them where they are meant to go.”

A recent survey highlighted the advantages parents see for their cross-culture or third-culture-kids. However, studies have also found that TCKs often develop mental health issues and other long-term symptoms related to growing up on the move, always “between” cultures, countries, friendships and belief systems.

But how can you give them roots when you're living a globally mobile life?  How can children growing up between and within multiple cultures develop a strong, stabilising sense of belonging that will give them the strength to take flight when their time comes?

In this workshop we will begin to explore how we as parents can foster this critical sense of belonging in our third-culture-kids so they grow up to be strong, healthy and resilient adults ready to explore the world and make a difference.

Not yet sure what a Third-Culture-Kid is - read more in this blog post.

This workshop is done by Anna, who is specialised coach on parenting & cross-culture-kids:
Read more about Anna here.

Dates and Workshops can be found in our Calendar.