Kira Neumann

Holistic Health & Mindful Eating Coach & Trainer
Yoga (pre- & postnatal), Pilates, Postnatal Recovery, Personal Training & Health Coaching

I am Kira

- openhearted, honest, outgoing and friendly - married and a mother of 2.

„You are not alone“ – we want to give you the support you need, especially during this very special time - being pregnant, giving birth and raising your children in a different country with a language you do not speak. We want to make you feel safe.

Within Gravidamiga, I teach Yoga and Postpartum Recovery (I am a diastasis recti and pelvic floor specialist) and would love to support you to keep moving during your pregnancy and after giving birth within a course or one-on-one.
Plus I run the Workhops Introducing Solids, Child Safety and Baby Sleep having undergone a lot of educations for each workshop, broadening my knowledge constantly.
Apart from groups, you can also book me for personal coachings / consultations /trainings - in person and online.

Due to my wealth of knowledge, you can ask me about anything plus I have lots of valuable connections to share - just ask!

More information on Health Coaching, Nutrition and Movement & all my qualifications in detail: Discover yourself - Health Coaching, Yoga, Pilates and more

I am looking forward to meeting you!
You can contact me directly



Holistic Health Coaching / Nutrition

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach IIN - Institute for Integrative Nutrition, New York
Mindful Eating Coach IIN
Introducing Solids - QEKK


Chi Yoga, Yin Yoga, Pre- und Postnatal Yoga (Lucia Schmidt, Jo Phee...)


Pilates Basic, Advanced, Standing, Kleingeräte (Lucia Schmidt, Christiane Wolff...)

Pregnancy & Postnatal Recovery

Pre- und Postnatal Yoga, Pre- and Postnatal BodyArt Instructor
Postnataltrainer  & Diastasis Recti Specialist / Akademie für Prä und Postnatales Training - Mama Workout
Pre-natal Training & reflective Pelvic Floor Training Beckenbodentraining / Leben Bewegt - Fitness.Physio.Akademie
K-Taping Specialist for gynoecology & babies

Relaxation & Mindful Movement

Thai-Yoga-Massage,Idogo Qi Gong, TriLoChi, Chi Ball, Flow Tonic

Fitness & Back Training

Aerobic, Step und Bodyworkausbildung, Hot Iron, Rückenschule / Kurt Stübel, Bewegter Rücken, Slings in Rhythm / Schlingentraining mit Barbara Raab


Babymassage, Introducing Solids, Healthy Baby Sleep, Baby Care & Handling, Breastfeeding/ Formula & Child Safety


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Kira Neumann

Holistic Health & Mindful Eating Coach & Trainer
Yoga (pre- & postnatal), Pilates, Postnatal Recovery, Personal Training & Health Coaching
