SharetheLove empowers Expat Partners worldwide in redefining their professional identity

Expat Coach & Global Mobility Consultant
Kate offers a mastermind group to help (Expat) mothers to find their personal and professional way.

The role of a caring mother can consume you quite a bit. All the attention is on our children. We read and research the right food and suitable development activities. In the process, we as mothers often get the short end of the stick. Quietly, questions like: What's next for me professionally? Do I want to stay at home longer with the child or jump right back into working life? Is my former job still the right one? And how do I prepare myself for a possible return to work? 
In small groups of 3-4 women, I offer so-called mastermind groups in German or English. In four consecutive meetings, we use supportive coaching exercises and reflection exercises to find out how your further personal and professional path could look like. 
As a certified coach, I lead through these digital meetings and provide a safe and inspiring space for exchange. Come and join us and if you don't have a babysitter just bring your child along. 

Are you looking for a motivating environment to tackle your personal and professional projects? Then our Mastermind Program is the right place for you!

A few words about Kate: 
I am a mother of a little daughter myself and recently returned to Germany from a three-year assignment in the US. I specialize in career planning for expat women and mothers, and in addition to coaching, I provide many free resources on my website to encourage women to live out their professional dreams. 

Katharina von Knobloch
Expat Coach & Global Mobility Consultant
phone: +49 152 05720425